The WE (Worldwide Enhancement of Social Quality) project covers four pilot regions in Bangladesh, China and Thailand, where a total of 40 production facilities are currently being trained. The ultimate goal: other international and local companies as well as further interested organisations shall utilize the WE training materials and contract the local training organisations after completion of the pilot project in 2010. Through this, the project partners want to contribute to a broad-based enhancement of social standards. WE(Worldwide Enhancement of Social Quality) 项目在以下国家共4个城市试点:孟加拉国、中国及泰国,项目中将有40家生产工厂得到相关的培训。其|终目标是:在2010年完成试点项目后,其他的国际或本地企业及组织都能受益于WE培训的材料并与当地的培训机构结成合作关系。希望通过此举可以改善参与培训项目的合作伙伴的社会责任状况。
Ten manufacturers each are taking part from Bangladesh and Thailand, with the remaining twenty production facilities coming from the regions of Hangzhou and Shenzhen in China. The participating pilot companies represent 5% of Tchibo’s supplier portfolio in the non-food sector. They employ around 40,000 workers, the majority of which are women. The products manufactured are mainly textiles, but also jewellery, furniture as well as metal and leather goods. 来自孟加拉国及泰国的各10家工厂及来自中国杭州及深圳的20家工厂参与了此次培训。这些企业占了Tchibo非食品部门的5%采购量,其下廖了近4万名员工,而且大部分均为女性。他们主要从事纺织行业,也包括珠宝、家具、金属及皮制品。
The public-private partnership between GTZ (German technical cooperation) and Tchibo runs for 36 months and covers the period September 2007 to August 2010. During this time, we intend to gradually open up the project to other interested companies and organisations as well as other sourcing markets. Tchibo itself plans to align its supplier training with the dialogue approach based on the lessons learned from the pilot project. 德国技术合作协会及Tchibo的合作关系已开展超过36个月,起于2007年9月至今。在此期间,我们一直致力于将此项目逐步推行到其他的利益相关企业、组织乃至采购市场。Tchibo计划通过本次的试点项目,为日后的供应商培训提供更好的对话模式。
First experiences gained in the implementation in Bangladesh, China and Thailand indicate that dialogue-oriented training promotes the implementation of and compliance with social standards at factory level. An impact analysis, conducted by an external service provider, will verify this claim in the final stage of the project. 在孟加拉国、中国及泰国的试点项目,预示着基于对话基础上的培训将促进工厂级别的社会道德行为的实施。由外部服务提供商所进行的影响分析将进一步确定此项目的|终效果。